A PURE UPSIDE Pick – Months of Research Have Led to This!

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2018 has been a banner year for Portfolio Wealth Global so far, and if you’re a subscriber then you know I’ve been busy bringing you the winners all year long. My specialty is hunting for these pure upside picks – the ones that have low risk and plenty of room for growth in the coming weeks and months – and bringing them to light so you can get in before the train leaves the station. These picks take months of daily reading and number crunching to find and vet, but the results are most definitely worth the effort.

I certainly can’t take full credit for these winners, as I’ve got a crack team of researchers by my side and I have access to CEOs and presidents of multinational companies. To tell the truth, it’s a team effort and I have access to resources that most investors don’t; that’s exactly why I’m more than happy to share my picks with the public. Democratizing investing is my calling, and I’m proud to provide my collective knowledge with each and every one of you.

And today is no exception, as I’ve got a stock pick for you that will blow your mind, so you’ll definitely want to read this in its entirety. After all, I would never want to recommend a pick without explaining my reasoning behind it: the why is just as important as the what when it comes to any investing decision.

Lately I’ve been fascinated with the technology sector and where it’s headed in 2018. My focus has been on technologies that have the greatest growth potential; I always try to keep a forward-thinking mindset, concentrating on the future more than on what the media says is “hot” right now. Try to play catch-up with “hot” tech trends is just not a winning strategy for investors who are seeking growth and yield, as this will only cause you to take positions in overvalued companies.

Concentrating on undervalued tech sectors, the Portfolio Wealth Global researchers zeroed in on a sub-sector that is easily the best one for 2018: AI, which is also called artificial intelligence or machine learning. This is a truly disruptive and transformative technology, one that is changing our businesses and our personal lives every single day. Research shows again and again how revenues derived from AI are growing and will continue to grow:[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17523″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]

Source: Tractica

Machine learning has applications in virtually every industry; it will significantly change existing business models but will also give rise to new ones in the coming months and years. Consider all of the various uses of artificial intelligence that we’re already seeing: image recognition, health-care patient data management, algorithm-based securities trading, and so much more.

Of course, they’re constantly finding new ways to incorporate machine learning into business and personal applications.

There’s big money changing hands in the AI space – let there be no doubt about it. Year over year, the total funding in the artificial intelligence sphere has risen exponentially:[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17524″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]

Courtesy of Venture Scanner

At this point, I’m sure you’d like to know exactly how I’ll be capitalizing on this exciting technological innovation. Daniel Ameduri, head researcher at Future Money Trends, who has made his full report on this topic here, has collaborated with my own research team and together we discovered the number-one pick in the AI market: Globalive Technologies (TSX-V: LIVE, OTC: LVVEF). This is a company that is 100% dedicated to artificial intelligence and they will lead the way in the AI revolution.

Anthony Lacavera is Globalive’s CEO and founder, and he has brought together in one company the world’s best minds in AI, blockchain, finance, and business. Since the Globalive IPO took place very recently, you’ll be glad to know that the stock shares are still trading at a very affordable price. I simply couldn’t find any other pure-play winner with the upside potential that Globalive has.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17444″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]And the good news just doesn’t stop with this company, as Globalive has announced a joint venture with CoinSquare, a leading digital asset trading platform in Canada, for an exclusive United Kingdom and European licensing agreement. Mr. Lacavera has also announced Globalive’s partnership with Flexiti Financial, a top financial technology company, to develop blockchain and AI technology for credit cards including fraud, loyalty, and credit adjudication.

These are joint ventures that will catapult Globalive to the top while the machine learning tidal wave rains profits on early-mover investors.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17112″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]This is where my research pays off for you, if you’re willing to take action right now – go here for my full exclusive report on the pure upside potential in AI and in Globalive. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Best Regards,

Tom Beck
Research Partner, PortfolioWealthGlobal.com
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Legal Notice: The ideas, projections and views expressed are those of PortfolioWealthGlobal.com and are not ideas, views or recommendations of Globalive or any of its officers or directors. Any forward looking statements are based on our assumptions, projections, beliefs and expectations, however, there is no guarantee that these statements will prove to be correct and are subject to risks and uncertainties. This work refers to joint ventures or investments that Globalive is a party to. Some of the joint ventures may be subject to further negotiation or documentation. Never base any decision off of our emails. PortfolioWealthGlobal.com stock profiles are intended to be stock ideas, NOT recommendations. The ideas we present are high risk and you can lose your entire investment, we are not stock pickers, market timers, investment advisers, and you should not base any investment decision off our website, emails, videos, or anything we publish.  Please do your own research before investing. It is crucial that you at least look at current public filings and read the latest press releases. Information contained in this profile was extracted from current documents filed with the public, the company web site and other publicly available sources deemed reliable. Never base any investment decision from information contained in our website or emails or any or our publications. Our report is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities, or as a recommendation to purchase anything. This publication may provide the addresses or contain hyperlinks to websites; we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. We have entered into a three year agreement directly with the company. We plan to purchase shares on the open market as a long-term holding, we have also been compensated eight hundred thousand dollars, eight hundred thousand options, and been given one million nine hundred thousand RSUs. Please use our site as a place to get ideas. Enjoy our videos and news analysis, but never make an investment decision off of anything we say.

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Trump Will Make Gold $3,000/oz HAPPEN!

Trump Will Make Gold $3,000/oz HAPPEN!

You f**k around, you find out. Trump’s game theory is very straightforward. What he does is to say something in public and then to use the backlash as a way of showing America’s superiority, by imposing tariffs and sanctions with MAXIMUM PRESSURE, while exposing to the world that in the West, alliances mean something, while in the rest of the world (China, Russia, Iran and others), leaders will DUMP you like dog shit, if they don’t see you as strong.

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