Blue Lagoon Resources (US: BLAGF)
This stock is literally like NO OTHER in the junior mining sector, in our view.
Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing, the person to whom Warren Buffett attributes HIS FORTUNE, was a professor as well as a money manager. He taught the principles of evaluating businesses to Warren, in addition to thousands of others. Yet Mr. Buffett was the one who TRULY MIMICKED Benjamin Graham’s most successful investment, the one that made them both RICHER THAN THE 1%ers. Graham reportedly made 400 times his money with it (a 40,000% return) and Buffett has owned the company OUTRIGHT since the 1990s and calls it the CROWN JEWEL!
When one finds a WHEEL OF FORTUNE, his best bet is to study exactly why it works and SET OUT to find additional ones.
This management team has done what other successful companies have pulled off before; negotiate the acquisition of a permitted project FOR CHEAP. It has managed TO STEAL, so to speak, a property from a distressed seller; as Benjamin Graham, the investor who most BILLIONAIRE MONEY MANAGERS recite and quote most often, liked to say, “In business, PRICE IS CRITICAL.”
The cheaper a management can purchase a gold asset, with a finite amount of ounces in it, the more money shareholders will END UP MAKING from it.
The secret of the best RESOURCE ENTREPRENEURS is to find a property, whose previous owners had spent a bundle on getting it through the jungles of permitting, building all the needed infrastructure, constructing all the underground work and exploring it to find the resources, only to have “SOMETHING” happen. For any one of a million reasons, the progress stops. At that point, there’s a LIMITED TIME FRAME, where a brilliant negotiator can purchase the asset at a STEEP DISCOUNT.
Canaccord’s Founder Just Invested
I want to keep this SHORT AND CONCISE: Blue Lagoon Resources (CAD: BLLG & US: BLAGF) owns Dome Mountain.
Not only did the company purchase this property, which the previous owners ALREADY SPENT CAD$68M on for only CAD$27M in a share-only deal, but the remaining expenditures are only CAD$1.5M, which the company already has in its treasury.
The founder of the company, Rana Vig, has +30 years of business experience, including serving as former President and CEO of Musgrove Minerals and Continental Precious Minerals. In 2018 he became the CEO of Lead Ventures and oversaw and executed on the acquisition and $5 billion reverse takeover of Curaleaf Holdings, which raised $520 million – the largest Canadian cannabis financing in history. Additionally, he took the helm of Rockbridge Resources, which he successfully restructured by acquiring through reverse takeover, the $2 billion Harvest Health & Rec, which closed a $300 million financing – the 3rd largest cannabis financing of 2018.
It’s NO SURPRISE that Mr. Peter Brown, former founder of Canaccord Securities – one of Canada’s PREMIER BROKERAGES, which have access to thousands of GOLD DEALS every year – is a shareholder in Blue Lagoon (CAD: BLLG & US: BLAGF)!
The CEO has ALREADY RAISED the funds and plans to aggressively advance the project, the company is debt free and the only reason that virtually NO ONE else is talking about this is because the company is a pretty new IPO.
I dare you to find another situation with this much potential, where the known risks are manageable and surmountable.
Unlike many other companies that I’ve come across, this one has only explored 1 out of the 15 veins of the Dome Mountain project, and the remaining 90% of the property HAS NEVER been explored!
As you know, additional drilling done on existing mines is one the BEST WAYS to increase the life of the property, find more gold and silver and increase shareholder value!
Consider becoming a shareholder of Blue Lagoon (CAD: BLLG & US: BLAGF) NOW!
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